Evelyn Scott Society By-Laws
Adopted April, 2015
The Evelyn Scott Society
Name and Territorial Limits
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be The Evelyn Scott Society.
Section 2. The Evelyn Scott Society is an international organization.
Section 1. The objects of this organization shall be:
a) Promote the preservation of the scholarship regarding the writer Evelyn Scott.
b) Encourage new scholarship on the writer Evelyn Scott by organizing literary panels at conferences; and
c) Engage in any other lawful activities that further these objectives.
Section 2. No part of the net earnings of The Evelyn Scott Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, members, or other private persons, except that The Evelyn Scott Society shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purposes.
Section 1. Classes. There shall be two classes of members: regular, retired/student. In addition, those members who achieve Life status shall be recognized as long as membership is maintained in The Evelyn Scott Society.
Section 2. Privileges of membership.
a. All members whose participation meets the requirements set forth in these bylaws, may speak, make motions and vote.
b. All members in good standing may be elected to or retain office.
Section 3. Admission to membership.
Members provide their contact information to the organization and receive communications and newsletters.
Section 4. Honorary recognition.
Recognition may be made to members or nonmembers who have made special contributions to the objectives of the organization. Recognition may take the form of membership and/or commendation.
Section 1. Elected Officers.
The officers shall be a President and a Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. If members are unwilling to staff these positions separately, the role of President and Secretary/Treasurer may be combined until another officer can be recruited.
Section 2. Eligibility.
Officers of the organization must be members in good standing.
Section 3. Term of Office.
Elected officers shall hold office for 5 year(s) beginning on May 30 or until their successors are elected. They may succeed themselves once.
Section 4. Removal from Office.
Elected officers may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote.
Section 5. Vacancy in Office.
Vacancies may be filled through a call for nominations to the members and a simple majority vote.
Section 6. Duties.
The President shall, in consultation with the Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, organize activities for the organization and represent the organization to other organizations. Some of these duties may be delegated to the Vice-President. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep records of the organization and assist with the website and any mailings.
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations.
Nominations may be made by individual members or self-nomination. The nominated person must express willingness to serve.
Section 2. Election.
Elections, when possible, will be held at the annual meeting at the American Literature Association. When a quorum is not reached (at least 3 members and/or officers of the organization), then email balloting will be pursued within 30 days of the annual meeting.
Section 1. Regular/Annual meeting
Unless otherwise ordered by the organization, regular meetings will be held in May of each year at the American Literature Association conference.
Section 2. Regular business meeting
The Regular/Annual meeting and the business meeting will occur at the same time.
Section 3. Special meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of at least 2 active members of the organization. At least 14 days notice (personal, written, emailed, or telephoned) shall be given each member. The business to be transacted at any special meeting shall be limited to that noticed in the call. Special meetings may be conducted electronically.
Section 4. Quorum.
If the organization is less than 10 regular members, a quorum will consist of 3 members. If the organization has more than 10 regular members, a quorum will consist of a third of the regular membership. Matters to be voted on should be distributed to the full membership electronically within 30 days of the Annual/Regular meeting.
Section 1. Standing committees include Conference Panels and Membership.
Section 2. Responsibilities.
Standing Committees shall perform the duties set forth in these bylaws and such other duties as directed by the President.
Dues, Fees and Assessments
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall be July 1st through June 30.
Section 2. Annual Dues and Fees.
Annual dues for regular members are $0.00. Annual dues for retired/student members is $0.00. Current electronic contact information must be submitted and maintained for all memberships.
Section 3. Assessments.
Assessments of dues may be made by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended by proposal by any regular member and a two-thirds majority vote of the membership. Amendments must be proposed at least 30 days before the Regular/Annual meeting, and may be submitted to the President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, its governing body shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets, should any accrue, of the organization exclusively for the tax exempt purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, literary, or educational purposes. The use of any surplus funds for private inurement to any person in the event of a sale of the assets or dissolution of the organization is expressly prohibited.
Prepared by Caroline Maun; adopted by the Membership in April, 2015.
Name and Territorial Limits
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be The Evelyn Scott Society.
Section 2. The Evelyn Scott Society is an international organization.
Section 1. The objects of this organization shall be:
a) Promote the preservation of the scholarship regarding the writer Evelyn Scott.
b) Encourage new scholarship on the writer Evelyn Scott by organizing literary panels at conferences; and
c) Engage in any other lawful activities that further these objectives.
Section 2. No part of the net earnings of The Evelyn Scott Society shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, members, or other private persons, except that The Evelyn Scott Society shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its purposes.
Section 1. Classes. There shall be two classes of members: regular, retired/student. In addition, those members who achieve Life status shall be recognized as long as membership is maintained in The Evelyn Scott Society.
Section 2. Privileges of membership.
a. All members whose participation meets the requirements set forth in these bylaws, may speak, make motions and vote.
b. All members in good standing may be elected to or retain office.
Section 3. Admission to membership.
Members provide their contact information to the organization and receive communications and newsletters.
Section 4. Honorary recognition.
Recognition may be made to members or nonmembers who have made special contributions to the objectives of the organization. Recognition may take the form of membership and/or commendation.
Section 1. Elected Officers.
The officers shall be a President and a Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. If members are unwilling to staff these positions separately, the role of President and Secretary/Treasurer may be combined until another officer can be recruited.
Section 2. Eligibility.
Officers of the organization must be members in good standing.
Section 3. Term of Office.
Elected officers shall hold office for 5 year(s) beginning on May 30 or until their successors are elected. They may succeed themselves once.
Section 4. Removal from Office.
Elected officers may be removed from office by a two-thirds majority vote.
Section 5. Vacancy in Office.
Vacancies may be filled through a call for nominations to the members and a simple majority vote.
Section 6. Duties.
The President shall, in consultation with the Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer, organize activities for the organization and represent the organization to other organizations. Some of these duties may be delegated to the Vice-President. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep records of the organization and assist with the website and any mailings.
Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations.
Nominations may be made by individual members or self-nomination. The nominated person must express willingness to serve.
Section 2. Election.
Elections, when possible, will be held at the annual meeting at the American Literature Association. When a quorum is not reached (at least 3 members and/or officers of the organization), then email balloting will be pursued within 30 days of the annual meeting.
Section 1. Regular/Annual meeting
Unless otherwise ordered by the organization, regular meetings will be held in May of each year at the American Literature Association conference.
Section 2. Regular business meeting
The Regular/Annual meeting and the business meeting will occur at the same time.
Section 3. Special meetings.
Special meetings may be called by the President and shall be called upon the written request of at least 2 active members of the organization. At least 14 days notice (personal, written, emailed, or telephoned) shall be given each member. The business to be transacted at any special meeting shall be limited to that noticed in the call. Special meetings may be conducted electronically.
Section 4. Quorum.
If the organization is less than 10 regular members, a quorum will consist of 3 members. If the organization has more than 10 regular members, a quorum will consist of a third of the regular membership. Matters to be voted on should be distributed to the full membership electronically within 30 days of the Annual/Regular meeting.
Section 1. Standing committees include Conference Panels and Membership.
Section 2. Responsibilities.
Standing Committees shall perform the duties set forth in these bylaws and such other duties as directed by the President.
Dues, Fees and Assessments
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year shall be July 1st through June 30.
Section 2. Annual Dues and Fees.
Annual dues for regular members are $0.00. Annual dues for retired/student members is $0.00. Current electronic contact information must be submitted and maintained for all memberships.
Section 3. Assessments.
Assessments of dues may be made by the Secretary/Treasurer.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not specifically covered in these bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended by proposal by any regular member and a two-thirds majority vote of the membership. Amendments must be proposed at least 30 days before the Regular/Annual meeting, and may be submitted to the President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer.
Upon the dissolution of the organization, its governing body shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the organization, dispose of all the assets, should any accrue, of the organization exclusively for the tax exempt purposes of the organization in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, literary, or educational purposes. The use of any surplus funds for private inurement to any person in the event of a sale of the assets or dissolution of the organization is expressly prohibited.
Prepared by Caroline Maun; adopted by the Membership in April, 2015.